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Christ-Centered  Parenting© Coaching

Parenting isn’t easy.  Why not have an expert at your fingertips?  Tracey Lynn Pearson, Christ Centered Parenting author and teacher, will connect with you in person within a 50-mile radius, by webcam or skype to provide a solid parenting plan to support you as you raise young men and women in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

Christ Centered Parenting teaches:

  • How to give consequences that matter

  • Dealing with the root of bad behavior

  • Teaching children to be trustworthy and godly

  • Breaking generational curses

As well as dealing with day to day issues as

  • How do I get my child to just listen?

  • Power struggles

  • Bedtime issues and problems

  • Whining, back talk, tantrums, and worse




Parent Coaching Prices

$270:  Includes 4 hour parenting class,  3 - 45 minute coaching session, workbook and parenting plan.
$50 per 30 minute follow up session


Let us help you bring Restoration & Peace to your home.  Getting started is easy.  Complete a pre-coaching form and schedule your time with Tracey.  You will receive an email providing you access to Christ-Centered Parenting©, a Coaching form to be completed before your session and a copy of the Christ-Centered Parenting workbook.  After receiving your coaching form a time will be set based on best availability. 


Have a question or concern? Contact Tracey


One to one coaching will give you all the answers to your personal situation.  Tracey has worked with families who children were taken by the state and with her assistance they were returned in a short period of time.  While spiritually based, Christ Centered Parenting© offers practical techniques.  Tracey uses her own experience working with youth in the juvenile justice field since 1989.  Single, married, blended, and foster parents have found success using Christ-Centered Parenting©. 

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